About Us

LetterService.com is a trusted third party offering service for storing and delivering the letters of recommendations (LORs). It is owned and operated by AmeriCareers LLC that provides online recruitment service for higher education institutions and science communities since 2000. We continue striving to help students and employees to reach their career goal.

At LetterService.com, our mission is simple: make application process easier by steamlining the delivery of letters of recommendation. We keep letters of recommendation confidential, safe and can be managed in one place. Application process can be burdensome not only to you as an applicant, but also to your recommenders as they have to send numerous letters for their students. With LetterService.com, managing and sending letters of recommendation can not be easier. Whether you apply for a scholarship, academic program or employment, you and your recommenders can benefit from our service. Your recommenders need to send us only one copy of their letter. You can request the letter to be delivered in support of your applications whenever needed. It is convenient, reliable and fast.

For employers, schools and other organizations who reqire applicants submit letters of recommendation, they can use our system to manage and access applicants' recommendation letters, free of charge.

We hope you will find our service helpful and make the application process smooth and successful. To learn more about our service, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the LetterService.com team.